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Rotator Cuff Repair

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  • The muscles from the shoulder blade attaches to the head of the humerus to stabilise the shoulder joint.

  • Tears can develop due to normal ageing and does not always need treatment unless they case persistent problems.

  • Tears that happen due to significant injuries in relatively young(less than 65y) and healthy, often need repair.

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  • Often there is an aggravating event such as a fall or very heavy lifting

  • It is painful to lift the arm overhead.

  • Lifting items away from the body is usually uncomfortable

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  • Acute tears after a significant injury in a healthy individual usually needs surgery

  • Chronic tears (that have become painful without a specific injury, unusually simply due to increased use) often can be treated without surgery.

  • In older individuals(over 65) and/or in people with significant medical problems(poorly controlled diabetes, severe heart or lung problems, smokers etc.) even acute tears are treated without surgery.

  • Treatment without surgery usually consists of.

  • –Avoiding activities that hurt

  • –Gentle physiotherapy

  • –Anti inflammatories

  • –Steroid injections

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  • Acute tears in young, healthy individuals, or

  • Where non operative treatment is unsuccessful and

  • The injury stops you from doing the ‘things that you have to do’  such as getting dressed, making a meal, driving a car, or getting a good night’s sleep

  • and/or the ‘things that you love to do’ in life such as fishing, riding a bicycle, or holding a book to read

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  • This kind of surgery usually requires a General anaesthetic (being ’completely knocked out’)

  • Often the anaethetist does a nerve block (that numbs and paralyses the arm for about 12 hours) to help with pain relief – it can be very painful surgery.

  • Because it can be quite sore immediately after surgery - It is recommended to stay in hospital overnight

  • Antibiotics is usually administered at the time of surgery, but does not have to be continued after surgery.

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  • Surgery usually takes about 1-2 hours

  • But the whole process of going to theatre and waking up from surgery takes longer.

  • Often the surgery is done with the help of a camera (arthroscopic, or ‘keyhole’).

  • Sometimes a larger skin cut is needed to do a strong repair

  • The torn tendon is cleaned and sutured back to bone with anchors

  • If the biceps tendon is damaged, it sometimes has to be released from inside the shoulder and reattached to the humerus.

  • If there is a large spur in the shoulder it is removed

  • If the AC (acromioclavicular) joint is very arthritic and painful it is resected

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In Hospital

  • The wounds are dressed and the arm is placed in a sling

  • We often leave a pain catheter in the shoulder to deliver more local anaesthetic at about 10 hours after surgery (when the anaethetist’s nerve block starts to wear off)

  • Do not hesitate to ask for pain killers. It is much better to ‘stay on top of pain’,  than ‘to catch’ up when it is severe.

  • It is usual to leave hospital the morning after surgery

  • A physiotherapist will usually visit you in hospital to demonstrate gentle exercises.


At Home

  • Continue to stay on top of your pain with oral pain killers.

  • Do the gentle exercises that physiotherapist demonstrated in hospital. It is usually advised to see a physiotherapist in the community at around 4-6 weeks post surgery.

  • It is OK to remove your sling to do these exercises, but in most cases it should stay on at all other times for 6 weeks.

  • While the shoulder wounds are covered with waterproof dressings it is safe to have a shower. Please have the dressings replaced if they start to come loose.

  • An appointment is usually made at my rooms to review your progress at about 2 weeks after the surgery

  • Please do not drive before speaking to your physiotherapist or a doctor.

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  • A sling is usually worn full time for about 6 weeks

  • From around 4 weeks on, a physiotherapist will show you how to start to progress your range of motion exercises.

  • From 6-12 weeks sling wear can be weaned shoulder movements increased under physio supervision.

  • Most moderately activities can usually be achieved by 3-4 months, but it will take 6 -9months to become completely comfortable and to return to maximal effort.

  • It often takes up to a year to regain completely normal range of motion.

  • ​

  • Time frames

  • Self care (washing, dressing, eating) with the operated hand – usually around 4-6 weeks (a sling is still needed)

  • Driving: when you are able to control a steering wheel with your operated arm and you are not taking strong pain relief anymore (usualy 6-8 weeks post surgery)

  • Golf, fishing, cycling etc.: usually around 3-4 months, but it can be longer (6 months)

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  • Infection occurs rarely (1% of the time), but can be severe. It may need further operations, weeks in hospital.  It can lead to a poor outcome.

  • There may be ongoing pain from other worn out joints in the area, that were not obviously a problem at the time of doing the surgery.

  • It is common to have a bit of numbness next to the scar. Very rarely, severe nerve damage can occur, resulting in paralysis or numbness in the arm.

  • Around 10-15% of the time more than expected stiffness occurs in the shoulder (frozen shoulder).  It can take 2 years or more to get better.

  • The reconstruction can fail, may not heal completely, causing ongoing pain in the shoulder. Some studies have shown that it occurs in up to 20% cases.

  • A general anaesthetic can have complications, such as nausea, heart and lung problems. Please discuss it with your anaesthetist before the operation.

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  • The biggest majority of patients experience significant improvement in their shoulder pain and function.

  • Mild discomfort and stiffness commonly persist despite successful surgery.

  • Strength usually recovers, but it can take up to 2 years to reach maximal improvement.

  • Tendons that were worn before the surgery will tend to tear again over the years after the surgery

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  • How long will the surgery take / How long will I be in hospital? 

  • –about 2 hours, overnight

  • Which hospital?

  • –The Sunshine Coast University Private Hospital

  • –Or Kawana Private Hospital

  • Anything I should do to prepare for surgery?

  • –You should make sure that you have no pimples or skin breaks around your shoulder. 

  • –if there are any pimples it should be washed with benzoil peroxide.

  • –Stop any drugs or supplements that may cause thinning of blood (anti inflammatories, fish oil etc.)

  • –Make sure that you have help at home for after surgery; you will need a sling for 6w and cannot drive for at least 6w

  • –don't smoke

  • After care - showering, etc

  • as long as waterproof dressings are securely in place

  • Will I be in a sling?

  • –yes for 6w

  • Worst case scenario

  • –You can get a frozen shoulder that can take 2 years to recover. 

  • –The reconstruction can fail (and needs to be re done), or never be any good (uncommon in young healthy individuals.

  • –Infection can make the shoulder worse than it is now, it may never recover (there is less than 1% risk of this happening)

  • –Very rarely serious complications can occur from the anaesthetic, such as a stroke or heart attack.

  • Rehab - Who / Where?

  • –first month: gentle exercises as demonstrated in hospital  by physio

  • –After that please see a physiotherapist in the community to help with further rehabilitation.

  • WC have requested a Medical table of costs – what is that?

  • –We usually send a request for surgical approval to Workcover, it contains the item numbers(fees) that will be used.

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