Thumb Base Arthritis

It occurs when the cartilage at the base of the thumbs wears out.
Eventually ‘bone on bone’ articulation occurs and bone spurs develop.
It is more common in females
and runs in families

There is usually some prominence at the base of the thumb
The areas aches, especially when a pinch grip is exerted.
A ‘thumb in palm’ deformity (also called an adduction contracture) can develop

Avoid activities that hurt and find other ways to do them
Take simple pain relief (such as paracetamol) and consider taking an anti inflammatory.
Braces can help for pain and still allow reasonable function.
A steroid injection into the worn joint can sometime relieve pain for extended periods

When non operative treatment is unsuccessful and
pain and weakness in the hand:
stop you from doing the ‘things that you have to do’ such as getting dressed, making a meal, driving a car, or getting a good night’s sleep
and/or the ‘things that you love to do’ in life such as fishing, riding a bicycle, or holding a book to read.

This kind of surgery usually requires a General anaesthetic (being ’completely knocked out’)
Because it can be quite sore immediately after surgery and because there is a small risk of severe swelling that cuts of blood supply(compartment syndrome) - It is recommended to stay in hospital overnight
Antibiotics is usually administered at the time of surgery, but does not have to be continued after surgery.

There are many different surgeries for thumb base arthritis.
The technique that I use requires 3 small incisions as drawn in the photos

During surgery the trapezium bone is removed.

Half or all of the FCR tendon (marked by the dotted line) is then harvested via a small incision in the forearm

The harvested tendon is then used to stabilise the thumb.

In Hospital
The hand is placed in a plaster
It is important that the hand remains elevated ‘higher than your heart’ to help limit swelling
Do not hesitate to ask for pain killers. It is much better to ‘stay on top of pain’, than ‘to catch’ up when it is severe.
If the plaster feels to tight, ask to have the bandages cut and even remove the plaster if pain form a tight cast is severe.
It is usual to leave hospital the morning after surgery
At Home
Continue to elevate your arm until swelling in your fingers subside.
Move your fingers (making a full fist and straightening your fingers out fully about 10-20 times a day).
Keep the wound dry covered and clean.
Make and appointment with a hand therapist (within a week or 2), to have the cast replaced with a thermoplastic splint.
An appointment with hand therapy and your surgeon is usually arranged for about 2 weeks after surgery.
Please do not drive before speaking to hand therapy or a doctor.

A splint is usually worn full time for about 6 weeks
From 2-3 weeks on, a hand therapist will show you how to remove the splint for short periods to do gentle range of motion exercises.
From 6-12 weeks splint wear can be weaned hand use increased
Most moderately heavy activities can usually be achieved by 3-4 months, but scarring around the base of the thumb can take 6 -9months to become completely comfortable
Time frames
Self care (washing, dressing, eating) with the operated hand – usually around 2 weeks (a splint is still needed)
Driving: when you are able to control a steering wheel with your operated hand and you are not taking strong pain relief anymore (usualy 4-8 weeks post surgery)
Golf, fishing, cycling etc.: usually around 3-4 months, but it can be longer (6 months)

Infection occurs rarely (1% of the time), but can be severe. It may need further operations, weeks in hospital. It can lead to a poor outcome.
There may be ongoing pain from other worn out joints in the area, that were not obviously a problem at the time of doing the surgery.
It is common to have a bit of numbness next to the scar. Sometimes the scar can be very sensitive for a long time due to damage to small skin nerves.
Very rarely (around one in a thousand)a severe pain reaction , (CRPS) can develop, which can be disabling for years.
Rarely, the reconstruction can fail, causing ongoing instability and pain at the base of the thumb. This may need further surgery
A general anaesthetic can have complications, such as nausea, heart and lung problems. Please discuss it with your anaesthetist before the operation.

Trapeziectomy with a ligament reconstruction has a high success rate and most patients are very happy.
Pain is usually significantly improved, if not cured completely
Mobility in the thumb is usually improved compared to before the operation.
Strength in the thumb stays at about the same level as it was before the operation